So, a few months ago, my parents had to go on this Barese in Chicago bus tour to this casino that is in like Michigan. This would entail in a group of Barese- Italian Americans getting in a 50 person bus to go this place. You wonder okay so why are you writing this. WELL, my father didn't want to go so guess who was next in line.. Yours Truly. So i got pimped out to go with my Ma, she's like, "Danie, no worry we go, we have good time, I buy you lunch." I'm like Ma, "no." Well the next morning 6:00AM, sharp I'm in my car with my Mom driving to the bus area to meet this group of Barese in Chicago organization that my parents belong to.
My mom says, "No, worry Danie, there will be young people there too." We arrive guess what, if by young my mom meant the early age of 50 then she was right.
I look around everyone is about 30 years older than me. Beautiful.
Now for anyone that doesn't know Barese are from Bari, a very particular city where my father is from. It is a wonderful town, with a strange dialect that sounds like chinese if you don't know what it sounds like.
We get on the bus, i'm like okay I have my Ipod, i'll be fine.. I hear a loud distinct voice from behind the bus.. "Ma ke e coosS????" I'm like what? What are they saying, who wants cous cous?? what? That is dialect for who is that.. i'm like OMG.. i want off the bus.. Then we're going smooth for a good hour all the sudden there was a big pot hole in the expressway, we go right over it and the bus trembles in fright. I didn't think anything of it, but all you could hear was everyone shouting,"MMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH, meh ce' e??? (dialect barese) Meaning, What, What happened?? I'm in awe I swear if I didnt' hear it with my own ears. I was on the bus with a flock of sheep. I needed off that bus pronto.
We get there stay for a few hours, then back on the bus... Mind you we ate the buffet there, everyone and their mother on the bus took something from the buffet. They were bartering food on the bus. All I see is,"Meh, Vicenz, Tu voi na Bagel." No Frances, Io ho na Muffin, you want na Burrberry muffin???
.Barese. that's all I can say.